Deb + Mom at garden club luncheon

Deb’s Picks for the Capricorn/Cancer Full Moon — Integrating our Outward Movement with our Inner Stillness

If you’re thinking this idea of creating a balance between outward movement and inner stillness sounds suspiciously like the now-overused phrase, “work/life balance”, you’d be right. Sort of. Maybe it’s a cousin.

But it resonates for me when I contemplate the upcoming Capricorn/Cancer Full Moon on June 21st in light of where I am in my personal life and professional life. I love what I do — coaching individuals through career and life transitions, relationship coaching with singles and couples, and creating unique, magical wedding ceremonies. All of that with a focus on mind/body/spirit wholeness, and a commitment to honoring the principles of the Divine Feminine — I won’t go into them here, but you can get a great overview HERE.

All that said, I often hear the voice of Thomas Leonard (founder of Coach University where I did my original training in the 90s) in my head — “just because you love what you do,doesn’t mean you should be doing it 24/7″. So yes, with that in mind, I’ve also been a huge proponent of radical self care… much more about that in my book, ” Circle of One: The Art of Becoming a SELF-Centered Woman”!

So what’s all this have to do with the Cap/Cancer Full Moon? Among other things, Capricorn is about taking responsibility for our actions, concretizing our ambitions and goals, then creating structures and systems in which to manifest those goals. I feel like I’ve created a pretty terrific business with those Capricornian skills over the last 25 years.

At the same time, I’ve been equally committed to practicing extreme self-care in my own life and encouraging my clients to do the same. That’s a big part of Cancer energy, and I come by it naturally — my birthday is June 28th, just a week into the Cancer season!

Honoring our emotions and intuition, being devoted to family and home are other water-y Cancerian traits. Think “still waters run deep” and you get the vibe.

And that’s a perfect segue back to why this Full Moon feels particularly meaningful for me right now.

Since the 4thU Artivists, my beloved charitable theater group, wound down 2 months ago after 15 years, I’ve been actively re-evaluating where and how I want to direct my time and energy. I’ve found that — big surprise — a LOT has changed in my life over the last 15 years!

Back then, I was still in major building-my-business mode and our boys were single and starting to figure out what they wanted to do in the world. Now, they both have terrific careers and are happily married to fabulous women… and have blessed Peter and me with three delicious grand cuties who I adore, and who I get to see almost every week.

At the same time, my wonderful Mom is doing great at age 94… slowing down physically, but all there mentally and still lives on her own. I visit her every month for 2-3 days up in Mystic, CT. (That’s us on our last visit at her garden club’s centennial luncheon, where she’s wearing a lovely little “fascinator” and had a song dedicated to her!)

So, between her and my grand kiddos (and spending time with Peter), guess where my heart lies?

Don’t get me wrong… I’m by no means winding down my business. In fact, if you’ve been with me awhile, you know I went through the powerful Positive Intelligence™ coach training a few years ago and love incorporating that into my coaching (check it out HERE and let me know if you want to move through the 7-week program!) And of course, I’m loving spreading the gospel of JOY as a Certified JOYELY Ambassador (see the update in May’s Deb’s Picks).

But I’m letting that “outward movement” be more and more tempered by those stretches of “inner stillness” and family time.

How about you? What activities do you want to pull back on to create more space for belly button gazing, or at least for more time with friends and family?

[And if you really want to dive into that mothering/nurturing Cancer vibe, definitely tune into my virtual Cancer New Moon SisterCircle on Monday, July 8th that I’ll be facilitating through the Wellness Universe. Our theme will be ” Honoring Mother, Personal & Archetypal and we’ll be re-connecting to that powerful mothering force in and around us.

But before then, be sure to join us for my upcoming Capricorn/Cancer Full Moon TeleMeditation on Friday, June 21st at Noon — click HERE for details on how to join us. Hope to “hear” you then! (And if you miss it, contact me and I’ll send you the recording, or look for it on Facebook & Instagram)

*** PLEASE NOTE: Next month’s Full Moon on July 21st is also in Capricorn (Sun in Cancer). I won’t be publishing any Deb’s Picks then cuz I’ll be in the midst of a bunch of fun summer trips, but I WILL be doing my Full Moon TeleMeditation on Mon., July 22, same divinely feminine time and channel! (see sidebar below)

So, as always, my Deb’s Picks this month are a creative mix of all of the above, sprinkled with a few random offerings to help you find your own inner/outer balance.


Hope is a dear friend and an extraordinary, multi-faceted spiritual teacher, healer and intuitive counselor. She leads spiritual retreats to amazing places (there’s a fabulous one coming up in August to Mt. Shasta), free channeled meditations on Monday nights, and has written a terrific book — The Infinity Wave: Mastering the Art of Love, Compassion, and Flow. She traces the origins of the Infinity Wave in her life, starting with a series of visions in 2010, to all the practical and magical ways you can access it’s energy in your own life. I have images of them all over my office now! The Infinity Wave is a perfect structure (Capricorn) to get you back into the flow (Cancer). Click on all the links here to get a taste of Hope’s beautiful energy and all of her many powerful offerings.

THE LABYRINTH, A JOURNEY WITHIN   at the United Palace, NYC  Sun, June 30th,  4-6PM. FREE w/ registration.

The United Palace is a spectacular theater in upper Manhattan that fuses spirituality, art, education and entertainment. I’ve been to some wonderful events there over the years and this one looks amazing, too. The labyrinth is another sacred structure (like the Infinity Wave) that urges us into natural rhythm of our lives & the flow of all the Universe has to offer us. This one was created by the award-winning Mexican artist Andrea Arroyo and participants will be invited to write a message or question to carry into the labyrinth, then walk the labyrinth & allow the answer to be revealed. The event will close with a group ritual & communal walk to help us remember that we are never journeying alone. Click on the image to get details!


Unlimited access; download 24/7. Only $195 for a limited time. 

Are you passionate about empowering other women in your area? Would you love to lead women’s groups? This beautiful online training course was created by another one of my goddess-sisters, Renee, and if you want to learn from the best, she’s it! She also facilitates magical women’s retreats at Kripalu Yoga Center that I’ve attended many times so I’ve experienced her expertise firsthand. In this course, you’ll get personal mentoring and everything you need to masterfully facilitate women’s circles and retreats.


Transformative ritual is a perfect example of the Capricorn structure and Cancer flow I’ve been talking about this month. I learned early on the importance of creating a strong energetic container for magical work. Barbara was one of my first ritual teachers almost 30 years ago, and since then, we’ve become good friends and facilitated many circles and programs together. So, I can guarantee that you’ll love this day of soul-nourishing practices, from guided meditations and journaling exercises to movement practices, and maybe even a dip in the pool, weather permitting! I’ll be at my family reunion that weekend, but I’ll be with you all in spirit!


I’ve shared alot in my Deb’s Picks about the powerful Mental Fitness coaching I’ve been doing since being trained in the Positive Intelligence™ coaching model When you’re stressed out and hijacked by your gremlins (known in PQ as your Saboteurs), it’s your Sage brain that reminds you to stop, breathe, and BE. Just like a gym, there are PQ “reps” you can do to strengthen your Mental Fitness muscle and if you want to learn how to do that, click on the link above, take the Saboteur assessment, and then email me to sign up for my next PQ POD!


I hope some of these Picks will help inspire you to find your own inner and outer energetic balance. And as always, if you have any events or resources to share, I’d love to hear them.

With bright summer blessings,
