(updated from my Dec. 2022 blog!)
Yup, that photo up there represents a big chunk of mine, taken after our annual post-Thanksgiving football game this year! Several important people missing, but we’ll all be together for Christmas — my gang, my mom + my three brothers and their crews
Thinking about those brothers always triggers a big rush of gratitude that we all really like each other, and our spouses and kids, too. Believe me, after listening to clients’ stories and sitting in women’s circles over the years, I don’t ever take that for granted.
But, as much as I’ve heard sad stories of fractured families and estranged siblings or parents, I’ve also witnessed the creation of wonderful “chosen” families — groups of people who you feel deeply connected to outside of your family of origin
Whether it’s gathering for a “Friends-giving” meal, inviting close work friends over to light Hanukah candles, or your soul-sisters to decorate a Christmas tree, these are all ways that we can manifest that sense of belonging we all yearn for.
And celebrating with like-minded spirits is exactly what’s called for in this Sagittarius season we’re moving through right now from November 22nd to December 21st. As always, regardless of your Sun sign, we can all feel this positive, uplifting, social energy during this time — how perfect that it always happens around the holidays!
Sag also compels us to expand our horizons, spiritually and intellectually. You can read more about that in my Sagittarius New Moon blog from 2022. The dates may be off, but the information is timeless.
And definitely check out the recording of my virtual New Moon SisterCircle I facilitated through the Wellness Universe on December 2nd if you want to do some deep reflection around your spiritual journey.)
With the air-y, mental energy of the Gemini Full Moon coming up on December 15th, we’ve got a solid counter-balance to the sometimes over-the-top Sagittarius Sun energy shining down on us. (Remember, while the Sun and Moon dancing cheek-to-cheek on the New Moon, they’re tango-ing in opposite signs on the Full Moon)
Gemini is ruled by the Mercury, the planet of communication, so on this Full Moon you may be drawn to examine how you think, then communicate what you’ve discovered. It also rules our relationship with our siblings, so it might be a good time to express appreciation, or attempt to re-connect with them. (Another reason I wanted to highlight my brothers right now!)
My Deb’s Picks this month offers lots of different opportunities to connect with extraordinary people. Check them out below and let me know what resonates with you.
Then, be sure to join us for my upcoming Gemini/Sagittarius Full Moon TeleMeditation next Monday, December 16th at Noon — click HERE for details on how to join us. Hope to “hear” you then!
What a thrill — this is the second year that two of my most beloved communities are coming together — my wonderful women’s chorus is presenting their Winter concert in my beautiful UU church! We represent three generations of women and will serenade you with our usual captivating repertoire, ranging from classical to contemporary to holiday favorites… all melodies to warm you on a chilly winter’s night. For LIVE tix, click HERE and for LIVESTREAMING, GO HERE Hope to see you there!
We typically hold our Solstice service at 4thU in the evening, but since it falls within hours of our Sunday morning service, we’re combining them! I promise it will still be as deep and lovely as always, with beautiful readings, music and rituals to coax back the Sun on this shortest day of the year. I’m co-facilitating along with the rest of the Worship team and I hope you’ll join us live and on Zoom for our celebration of this pivotal moment in the Wheel of the Year. Check out our website for our address or how to connect on Zoom.
This sounds so magical! It’s described as a gathering of exceptional teachers, singers, artists, land custodians and others. I especially love that this summit focuses on “soulscapes”: the intersection of inner and outer landscapes, reminding us that our deepest selves are in a sacred bond with our planet. The “Sacred Rainbow Current” symbolizes an imagined energetic flow of positive, healing energy encircling Earth, something we definitely need to call in as we head into 2025. Click HERE to register!
VISION 2025 w/BARBARA BIZIOU Jan. 10-11 in LA & 1/24-25 in NYC
My dear friend Barbara has been hosting these powerful weekends in NYC for years, and now all you West Coasters get to attend live! (NYC is later in January). You’ll experience Sacred Rituals to release energetic blocks and invite new opportunities; manifestation practices to shift your energy into alignment with your desires; vision collaging to ground your dreams in reality; an astrological overview and if you’re in LA , special guest Lavinia Errico of MoveJoy will lead you through movement and breathwork. I’ve done VISION many times and experienced MoveJOy and they’re both magical! To register, you can click on the heading for LA and click HERE for NYC.
Debbie Prediger is truly an extraordinary woman! We first connected through the Wellness Universe (who hosts my New Moon Circles) and Joyely® (where I’ve trained in Joy Intelligence™) and she’s blown me away with all the communities she’s created. This latest one is the Be Extraordinary Network, a community where amazing women come together to connect, inspire, and make a difference! It’s more than just a group; it’s a supportive and empowering space where you can be your true self, share your unique gifts, and grow alongside other like-minded women. You can watch our interview by clicking on the heading, and to join her BE EXTRAORDINARY Facebook group, go HERE. How are YOU extraordinary??
I hope some of these Picks will inspire you to connect with your beloved communities, tribes, and families. And as always, if you have any events or resources to share, I’d love to hear them.